Saturday, November 30, 2013

Thanksgivikkah 2013

We hope you all had a lovely Thanksgiving and a wonderful Hanukkah! 

Some highlights from our house:

* Celebrating with Noah at school (and seeing him play Goose, Goose, Turkey with his classmates).
* Having obscene amounts of delicious food at my parent's house.
* Playing dreidel with the cousins by the Christmas tree.
* Noah created a game called "Scotchback" with one of his Hanukkah presents (long skinny balloons).
* And Shawn almost burning down the house with his home-made menorrah :-) Luckily we caught it pretty quickly and Shawny was able to run with the flaming mess to the sink and extinguish it. Okay maybe that wasn't quite a high-light...

But, overall, it's been fun!

Dreidel, dreidel, dreidel!
A classic game of Scotchback


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